What would you consider to be the most dangerous room in your house? Unless you have a unique and interesting ‘den’ of some sort, it would likely be the same for most of us: the bathroom. 

Yet, how many people honestly think that? It seems that when people are asked about ‘dangerous’ in their own homes, they might consider the attic or a basement, or perhaps their teenage son’s room. 

Many of us have a tendency to overlook various hazards in the home, especially when month after month and year after year go by without incident. 


What about for aging seniors?

Senior Care Galveston, TX: Dangerous Rooms

The older you get, the more you’ll have to leave some things you used to enjoy behind. A 50 year old honestly can’t consider competing in any sport at the professional level -unless it’s for that age group. 

When you move into your 60s and 70s, the odds that you’ll be doing obstacle course or skateboarding are pretty thin. 


Because strength declines with age. It’s only natural. We can’t escape that simple and inevitable truth. 

And, as strength declines, certain tasks that you used to take for granted will become a little bit tougher. More challenging. And potentially dangerous. 


Why the bathroom is so dangerous. 

It poses a wide range of risk factors. Most bathrooms have tile floors -linoleum or ceramic. When they get wet, they get slick. 

Then you have the bathtub or shower surround. You’ve undoubtedly experienced a slight slip once in a blue moon while in the shower. So can seniors. 

But when a senior loses their balance, it’s tougher for them to stay upright. And a fall in the bathroom can mean serious injuries. 

Consider encourage an aging senior in your life to have grab bars installed in the tub or shower and non-slip pads or mats across the floor, especially where they would step out when some bathing. 

This will help them stay a bit safer in the most dangerous room of the house. 


Don’t overlook other rooms, too. 

Just because the bathroom may be the most dangerous room in the house, that doesn’t mean it’s the only safety hazard for some seniors. The kitchen can also pose a number of unique risks. 

Place hard to reach items down within easy reach. Sharpen knives. And make sure the senior uses a loud timer alarm when cooking, just in case they get distracted and wander away from the stove with something simmering. 


If you or an aging loved-one is considering Senior Care in Galveston, TX please contact the caring staff at Viv Health Care Services today at(832) 871-4223